The most important precaution you can take to reduce damage to your home and property is to protect the areaswhere wind can enter. According to recent wind technology research, it's important to strengthen the exterior of your house so wind and debris do not tear large openings in it. You can do this by protecting and reinforcing these five critical areas:
- Roof
- Straps
- Shutters
- Doors
- Garage Doors
A great time to start securing - or retrofitting - your house is when you are making other improvements or adding an addition.
Remember: Building Codes reflect the lessons experts have learned from past catastrophes. Contact the Freeport Building Department at (516) 377-2241 to find out what requirements are necessary for your home improvement projects.
Roof to Top of Wall Connection
Metal hurricane straps or clips provide the proper measure of strength and safety for the roof-to-wall connection. The common practice of toenailing the trusses or rafters often is not sufficient to hold a roof in place in high winds. These clips or straps are usually very difficult to see from the attic because of insulation.
Members of the Building Department have been specially trained at the Federal Emergency Institute on methods of retrofitting existing property from floodwater and wind damage. If you have any questions or concerns about your property, or for more details, please contact the Building Department at
(516) 377-2241 or
The Freeport Memorial Library reference desk also offers information and reference material on retrofitting, how to read a flood map or a flood insurance rate map, and other FEMA publications.
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