William Briggs
Badge #311
Patriot Hose Company 4
While Operating at General Alarm Box 2121
June 15, 1953
Edward Johnson
Badge #1042
Wide Awake Engine Company 1
While responding to a General Alarm at Box 2111
December 31, 1959
Jerry P. Cotignola
Badge #878
Wide Awake Engine Company 1
While operating at Box 1144
January 14, 1978
Frank Disarlo
Badge #1157
Emergency Company 9
While operating at Box 232
March 3, 1985
Letter from Reverend Eric C. Mallette
As members of this Department, we live, eat, celebrate, cry, fight fires and if necessary, die together "FOR WE ARE ONE." All firefighters are soliders of God. God put within each and every one of you, a sense of duty - for when civilians run from fire and danger, firefighters run to it. These colors of pride, these colors of unity, these colors of strength and honor - these colors of sacrifice and commitment will never run.
As firefighters, your preparedness must be seen at all times as "first responders" first to engage, first to fight. You are trained, organized and equipped for deployment to respond to the call of duty, to that end, be proud of whom you are. Always remember, Freeport is watching, our country is watching, your family is proud of you. God is watching each and every one who dares to wear that patch of pride and honor that is a symbol that only a few can and will ever wear that represents the Freeport Fire Department.
There should be within you a code of Honor which says: "I will never forget that I am an American Firefighter responsible for my actions, and dedicated to the principles which made my country free. I will trust in my God, my command, and in the United States of America." I was proud to wear the uniform of a United States Marine... I am equally proud to wear this uniform with you serving this community as a member of the Freeport Fire Department.
Know this, you are special, you are all brave men and women who every day volunteer your service to the protection of life, limb and property, regardless of race, creed or color. We are rich in customs and traditions. The record bears witness to what the Department has accomplished. You begin your knowledge of our customs and traditions in training. Your training has always been and will remain tough, realistic and extremely demanding, a level of training and discipline which experience has proven is essential to survival in firefighting.
Respect your leadership, our chiefs and their officers. Serve with strength and courage. "HOLD THE LINE" for that man/woman standing next to you is your brother/sister. And if it be God's will that they should perish - know that your labor shall not be in vain, for in the hearts of every member of this Department lives a memory of every fallen brother and sister AND THAT SHALL NEVER DIE.
It is my prayer that after every call you return safely to your homes. And remember, Heaven is always open to firefighters - Hell is closed, the Devil doesn't want his fire put out by HARDCORE FIREFIGHTERS.
Reverend Eric C. Mallette
Freeport Fire Department Chaplain
Quick Links
- Truck Co. 1
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- Hose Co. 2
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- Hose Co. 5
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